2010年11月19日 星期五

課堂小記10.29 11.05

10.29 11.05 11.12 這三週,德國學者Prof. Rainer Kokemohr加入我們的課堂,簡單地與我們介紹他的背景,以及他在非洲辦學的經驗以後,便開始和我們談論教室中的互動分析。


本週我們談論,什麼是教室中的互動分析(classroom interaction analyses)?首先,教授拋出了一個議題:如果你要向一個從未經歷過課堂經驗的人,以圖片來介紹什麼是classroom,妳和他並不能以語言溝通,那你為如何以圖片呈現呢?下圖中的照片便是同學們集思廣益後的成果。

接續上週關於課室中互動分析的討論,我們瞭解了教室中的互動是充滿意義的,即使是一個簡單的字詞(one simple word)也代表了豐富的意涵。我們接著進行了影片分析,影片內容是九月初在台北縣烏來種籽小學所拍攝的一堂英文課,班上人數為11人,全部都是五年級的學生。


Prof. Dr. Rainer Kokemohr                  Workshop ‘Classroom Interaction Analysis’

Parents                                           Institution  / Government                                             
 (labor market)                                                                    (curriculum / labor market)

                          <–­­­­­­­­–––– Power (to be performed) –––––>
                                        authority (linked to the performance of power):
a)     professional knowledge
b)     professional faculty of leading teaching-learning-discourses
c)      convincing personality, convincing lifestyle

experimental / “free” School:    <–––––//–––––> “regular” School:
  offering ‘freedom’ to pupils                                        obliging pupils to follow the
(caused by social transformation                                          rules (linked to conventional
social modernization)                                              organization and established    
                                                                                               system of power performance)

­­­­­­­­­­­­­<––––––––––– a “dialectical” process­­­­­­­­­­­­ ––––––––––>
       As every social interaction is also a performance of power   
 teachers and students can’t escape from the performance of power:
 “balancing” between both sides in view of productive teaching and learning.
               (Does the metaphor “balancing” meet the issue?)

Categories and aspects of the analysis of classroom interaction
    (according to Saxe et al.: A methodology. framework…, text 1):
   a)  ontogenetic processes:    (maybe in line 102 Michael’s counting of seven “0”                    
                                                           indicates the beginning of a learning process)

  b)  microgenetic processes: “…will you still come in today”;
                                            Mr. Wong, Wei-Hong”;   
                                          smile and other behavior…     

  c)  sociogenetic processes:   gender-construction: girls and boys seated in different    
                                                          lines; turn-giving / turn-taking…


